Friday, December 31, 2010

A Goal Post for 2011

How's this for finding useful goal-setting ideas in unusual places?

Recently, in a doctor's waiting room, I picked up Diabetes Magazine. Not much of interest to me, until I found an article on diabetes management, suggesting people break goals into manageable steps. The examples given were much the same as what we sometimes do as writers, but the system described looked like it might be a useful idea for you to try in  the new year:

Mark each month's page of your 2011 calendar with an attainable goal for that month. 

"At the end of the year," says article author Margaret Farley Steele, quoting Michele Jachim, RD, CDE, "you'll have twelve new habits."
We all know that once we focus on a goal, we're more likely to reach it, and without identifying goals, time drifts away and we have nothing to show for it. So, unlike the advice in the article about particular foods or exercise, I found it a helpful reminder for us to think of our specific goals as writers.

What could help you get ahead this year?
  • Writing three queries a month? 
  • Finding a new personal essay market? 
  • Writing at the library once a week? 
  • Creating the perfect book proposal? 
  • Attending a conference?  

See how easy it is to fill your calendar? Set one particular & attainable goal for each month, and let us know how you're doing.

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