Sunday, November 6, 2011

The true steps to self-pub success detailed here

Jane Friedman, as many of you know, continues to evolve after her long career with Writer's Digest. 
In one of her blog posts she advises a writer about whether to update a book with the current publisher, or because of her following, issue it on her own, for far greater royalties on sales.

Read the full piece here if you wish, but note these salient points made by Jane. These illustrate exactly what you need for publishing success, especially if you plan to self-publish:

  • A strong e-mail list with a good open rate (25%+)
  • Well-established social media network that can help spread word of mouth
  • The right contacts to help place guest articles/posts on the right sites/blogs that target the book’s target audience
  • An existing website that can be quickly adjusted on the fly to focus on the re-release
  • A nice backlog of content connected to the book—or re-purposed from the book—that can be excerpted across sites/blogs interested in your work
  • Resources to hire a good publicist for the first 3 months of relaunch
  • Resources to hire a good cover designer
I know you’re business savvy enough to do this on your own and earn quite a bit of money doing it. The big questions for me would be:
  1. Do you have the time & energy to spend on it?
  2. Do you have the resources to hire help as needed?

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