Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Honoring Marcel Marceau, PBS ran an interview with him this week.

Now there is silence. The mime passed away. The only time he spoke in his role as a mime was in a silent Mel Brooks film "Silent Movie" in 1976. How wonderfully ironic.

In the PBS interview, Marcaeu spoke of his desire to convey a message without speech, saying,

...because we all are silent in certain moments: writers before writing, singers before singing, athletes before sports. Concentration is the most important medium."

Yet, sometimes a writer is reluctant to commit to the act of writing for fear they won't have anything to say. But our silence is also needed. We need it to get away from busyness, noise, technology, and chatter. We need, instead, to get quiet enough to hear what we want to say. Treat yourself to a quiet writing hour. You might be surprised by the results.

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